Jessica Davis
I play football for young girls, including my daughter. To show them strength, passion and determination have no limits. I want to set an example of resilience & confidence.
Trinity Moy
I play football to escape the stress of life and school. When I’m on that field I feel free and powerful. I feel like I can do anything I put my mind to. I love football and my team!
Tanisha Benjamin
Football gives me that mental release that I’ve been searching a long time for. It’s also helping me give my kids something to be proud of. They are my biggest fans!
Shorty Tofelogo
Football is a stress relief for me and I love the game. It helps keep me grounded and humble at the same time. My children are my lifeline, and they love the fact that their mom plays football. I can be the example of strength and perseverance for them. It is a unique experience to step outside my comfort zone and become someone I have dreamt about. It’s like having an out of body experience lol. The gridiron is a safe place for my spirit to be free!
Gabriella Flores
Bio coming soon.
Terry Viena Salonga
Football is my LIFELINE! I play for the 8yr old little girl who was told NO. Regardless of medical conditions, heart problems…pacemakers to be exact. I play because there are people whom you are meant to meet!
Jazz Hayes
Bio coming soon.
Juana Sanchez
I was told no since I was little. I play for the girls that are told football is for boys. I want to be the example to women and girls alike that you can be anyone you choose! I am a competitor and the release that I feel when I’m on the gridiron is unmatched. The bonds that I have made through this sport are ironclad. I play for ME!
Trudy Marie
Bio coming soon.
Jane 'Redd' Brinkman
Football has literally saved my life on several occasions! I am 5-time cancer survivor, and each time football was there for my sanity. The game represents life for me. Adversity, resilience, hard work and fellowship are all part of what keeps me alive physically, mentally and spiritually!
Meesha Brown
My fathers’ passion for the game is something I found myself falling in love with! His spirit drives & encourages me to go after my dreams. I found the sisterhood I have always wanted!
Stacie Locke
Bio coming soon.
Keitisha Bert
Bio coming soon.
Matianna Elizalde
I start playing football in 2018 after having my second child, I had faced numerous obstacles and depression became my constant companion. I needed something to help me shed the dead skin, and football was that catalyst for me. Here we are in 2025, and football remains my sanctuary, my home away from home!
Keila Montepeque
“Put some RESPECT on your name” Those words helped me realize that I can do anything I set my mind to. Football has given me discipline, sisterhood, respect and a 2nd chance at life to tell my story both on and off the field! To be the BEST VERSION of myself!
Josephina Alvarado
Besides the love for the game, it is one of the main reasons I’m still here. Battled with life and football became my outlet. I’ve gained confidence and respect for myself. Football will always hold a special place in my heart.
Rajean Clark
Bio coming soon.
Morgan Scott
Bio coming soon.
D.D Dolberry
I play football to get in shape and have a hobby I enjoy!
Precious Hunte
Bio coming soon.
Mikia Adams
Bio coming soon.
Gabi Kredel
Football has been one of the most transformative experiences of my life! I had no idea how much it would change me as an athlete, but as a person as well! The most valuable experience has been finding my passion for athletics again. Football reignited that fire, and its a feeling I want to carry with me the rest of my life. The sense of belonging is unmatched! The future for women’s football is coming and I’m just getting started!
Nina Serrano
Football was definitely not something I thought I would be doing, but I want a challenge at this time in my life. I wanted to learn something new and grow as a great player. During my journey, I’m realizing that playing women’s football is the right step for me. It offers a competitive and supportive environment where I can challenge myself, contribute to the game, and be part of a team that aligns with my goals. Women’s football is growing rapidly, and I want to be part of that movement—to prove that we belong in this game just as much as anyone else.
Bio Coming soon.
Alixx Huff
The game of football and my team give me something to be accountable to. My TEAM is the reason I play!
Ayesha Shields
Bio coming soon.
Maria Hermandez
I play football because its something that I can do for myself. Being a single mom of 3 and working 2 jobs is stressful. I want to be an example to my children and for women that no matter what the situation is, you can still do the things you love! Football is my BREAK mom duties. Its when I can be myself and be a part of a sisterhood! Life is too short not to follow your dreams!
Rocio Brown
The challenge of pushing limits both physically and mentally brings skills I never thought I had. Its not just about playing a game or getting that W. Its about the commitment it takes to come together as a team. It gives you character and breathes life into you!
Mimi Woods
Bio coming soon.
On my journey to mental healing, football was the last piece of the puzzle that I needed to feel whole again. Now that I’m back, the sense of peace is unmatched!
Laissez les bons temps rouler!
Tae Jones
Bio coming soon.
Shannon Boyd-McWright
Bio coming soon.
Sassy Mixon
Bio coming soon.
Lala Welch
Bio coming soon.
Breanna Gardley
Bio coming soon.
Tomorrow McWright
I’ve never played a sport before so I decided I was going to challenge myself with a new adventure. Little did I know that I was going to fall in love with football. It is a way for me to lose weight, get active and build relationships with others. I am proud of who I am becoming as a person and as a football player. “TOMORROW is not guaranteed, yet it holds endless possibilities!